Part-time Job Fair
Thursday, March 20, 2025 , 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm CDT
Are you seeking a part-time job? Attend the Part-time Job Fair to connect with employers seeking to fill part-time positions on or near campus. Be ready to apply and maybe even interview!
Employer registration
Register for the Part-time Job Fair. There is no cost to organizations, but registration is required. Be sure to bring your own applications and other supplies you will need during the event.
Check out the list of employers attending the Part-time Job Fair and select those you most want to meet.
Tips for students:
- Discover how to prepare for a career fair by visiting the Career Resource Guide in the Hire-A-Redbird document library.
- Bring your class schedule so employers know when you are available to work.
- Join Career Services on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and LinkedIn for fair updates and other helpful career tips.
Special accommodations
If you need special accommodations to participate, contact Career Services at (309) 438-2200. Please allow sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.