“Preparing for Finals” Workshop (Online)*
Julia N. Visor Center 213 W. Mulberry St., Normal, Illinois, United StatesMake the change easier as you gain a better understanding of college-level writing.
Make the change easier as you gain a better understanding of college-level writing.
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Last day to withdraw from a second-half semester course. A withdrawal grade of WX will be assigned. No adjustment of charges or financial aid.
Last day to put a second half semester course on pass/no pass (pass/fail).
Learn how to recognize problems, ask questions, and devise solutions before the situation takes a turn for the worse.