“Preparing for Finals” Workshop (Online)*
Julia N. Visor Center 213 W. Mulberry St., Normal, Illinois, United StatesMake the change easier as you gain a better understanding of college-level writing.
Make the change easier as you gain a better understanding of college-level writing.
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!
Last day to complete Final Exam Conflict Form in your My.IllinoisState.edu account.
The Ceramics Holiday Sale will take place from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on the first floor of the Center for Visual Arts on December 6!
WGSS students are invited to enjoy cookies, cocoa, and coloring in the WGSS Resource Center on Friday, Dec. 6 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
A presentation by John McEwan on the DIGISIG Project, a central repository for data about medieval seals.
Bring your lunch or just yourself to the Faculty Staff Lounge in the Bone Student Center (2nd floor, to the right of Timbers Grille) for informal conversation and networking.
Finals are just around the corner so make a plan to finish strong!