Illinois State Insights webinar: Unmanaging


In this mind-expanding webinar, explores the history of how our culture unlearned great management, replacing it with ineffective industrial techniques, and how to bring back the richness of human empowerment.

Reinvent Your Course for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Access


Preparing students to live and work in our very complex world depends upon incorporating diverse content, curriculum, and perspectives in courses and being mindful of the diverse ways people communicate and learn. These ideas are central to the core value of Diversity and Inclusion in Illinois State’s strategic plan, Educate - Connect - Elevate. Faculty can […]

Plan a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Project


The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) is a specialized form of inquiry into various aspects of teaching or learning. This workshop series will introduce participants to SoTL, review ways in which data can be collected and analyzed to better understand teaching and learning, and plan a mentored SoTL project. Participants should come to this […]

Illinois State Insights webinar: Cleaning up your mental mess


This enlightening webinar will provide a scientifically proven five-step plan to find and eliminate the root of anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts in your life so you can experience dramatically improved mental and physical health.

Quick Start for Canvas


New to teaching in Canvas? Still working on building out your Canvas site and need a quick crash course as the semester begins? This workshop packs a lot in just 90 minutes: Learn how to get started with the most important settings and tools, create basic course content using Pages and Modules, communicate with students […]

Building Regular and Substantive Interaction into Your Online Courses


Explore ways to increase interactivity and engagement within your online courses, while also meeting federal regulations for distance education. Regular and substantive interaction (RSI) is a federal requirement for all online courses that distinguishes “distance education” from “correspondence education.” Come and learn what constitutes RSI and how you can build RSI into your courses to […]

Build Confidence in Creating Inclusive Course Materials


Gain the knowledge you need to support students with disabilities. In this workshop,  presenters will guide you step-by- step to improve the curation and creation of your digital course content, including how to use images, color contrast, and formatting in programs like Word, PowerPoint, and Acrobat. You will create an individual plan to update course […]

Canvas Tips All Instructors Should Know


Instructors at ISU who are using Canvas have had a year to familiarize themselves with using the LMS. In this workshop, we will briefly discuss several “tips and tricks” that can enhance your Canvas courses. These tips can help you address minor troubleshooting questions, enhance your course design, and streamline your Canvas experience. Registration is […]