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Together at the Table: Employee Dining Day at Watterson Dining Commons

Watterson Dining Commons North Street, Normal

Your Civil Service Council and Administrative/Professional Council invite all employees to join us in the Watterson Dining Commons Private Dining Room to enjoy all-you-care-to-eat lunch during the Faculty Staff Discount Dining period. Pay at the cashiers counter or swipe your meal plan card to receive lunch for the discounted $9.50. Faculty and staff must present an Illinois State University ID to receive the discount.

Chemistry Seminar: Emily Beitello

Julian Hall 251 S. School Street, Normal, IL, United States

Emily Beitello, a master's student from Illinois State University Department of Chemistry, will present a seminar titled "Site-Specific Modification of Antibodies Utilizing Microbial Transglutaminase" on February 28.

Dido and Aeneas

Center for the Performing Arts 351 S. School Street, Normal, IL, United States

Considered one of the first English operas, Dido and Aeneas depicts the brief relationship between the Queen of Carthage, Dido, and the Trojan leader, Aeneas. Driven by a sense of […]

Illinois History Day Fair

Alumni Center 1101 N. Main Street, Normal, Illinois

Dr. Greg Carter is organizing the Central Illinois Regional competition on March 1.