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Philharmonia Orchestra Concert

Kemp Recital Hall 401 S. School Street, Normal, IL, United States

Philharmonia String Orchestra - Dr. Glenn Block, Music Director, with Dr. Katherine Lewis, viola soloist. Music by Holst, Hindemith and George Walker. For additional information contact Dr. Glenn Block (309) 438-2540 Livestream


Career Readiness Week: Evaluating Job Postings

Milner Library 201 N. School Street, Normal, IL, United States

Learn how to prepare your resume for the position to ensure it matches the job post.

Use Canvas to Support an In-Person Course 

Online Workshop

When teaching an in-person or hybrid course, Canvas is there to help! With just a little bit of time and planning, you can use Canvas to help students grow, learn, and be successful in your course. You will learn evidence-based strategies for designing and sharing course content with students. You will explore how to use […]

Effective Practices for Peer Observation 

Williams Hall 303 S. School Street, Normal, IL, United States

Peer observation can be a valuable tool for gathering feedback on teaching practices. When used formatively, feedback gathered from peer observation can encourage scholarly teaching and has the potential to transform teaching and learning. This workshop will examine the role observations play in professional growth, identify effective practices in the classroom observation process, and provide […]

Event Series The Share Shop

The Share Shop

Office of Sustainability 305 N. School Street, Normal, IL

Grab what you need at the Share Shop! Shopping second-hand is one of the most sustainable things you can do!

Event Series Fix It Friday

Fix It Friday

Office of Sustainability 305 N. School Street, Normal, IL

Stop by on one of our scheduled dates with an article of clothing in need of a basic fix.


Canceled Queer Coalition Brown Bag Chats

Bone Student Center Normal, United States

Bring your lunch or just yourself to the Faculty Staff Lounge in the Bone Student Center (2nd floor, to the right of Timbers Grille) for informal conversation and networking.