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Event Series Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous

Normal First United Methodist Church 211 N. School Street, Normal, Illinois

This meeting is for college students and young adults; it moves beyond alcohol and also invites individuals who are concerned about their use of other substances.


Commencement College of Education and Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts

CEFCU Arena 702 W. College Avenue, Normal, Illinois, United States

The College of Education and Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts commencement ceremony includes the graduate processional, degree conferral, a symbolic tassel move for undergraduate students, remarks by University officials, […]

Commencement College of Applied Science and Technology

CEFCU Arena 702 W. College Avenue, Normal, Illinois, United States

The College of Applied Science and Technology commencement ceremony includes the graduate processional, degree conferral, a symbolic tassel move for undergraduate students, remarks by Univeristy officials, and remarks by a […]

Commencement College of Business

CEFCU Arena 702 W. College Avenue, Normal, Illinois, United States

The College of Business commencement ceremony includes the graduate processional, degree conferral, a symbolic tassel move for undergraduate students, remarks by University officials and remarks by a student representative. Graduates […]

Art Education Summer Exhibition at CIRA

Central Illinois Regional Airport 3201 Cira Dr, Bloomington, IL, United States

Join us for this exhibition at the Student Art Gallery located in the lobby of Central Illinois Regional Airport.