Alcoholics Anonymous
This meeting is for college students and young adults; it moves beyond alcohol and also invites individuals who are concerned about their use of other substances.
This meeting is for college students and young adults; it moves beyond alcohol and also invites individuals who are concerned about their use of other substances.
This meeting is for college students and young adults; it moves beyond alcohol and also invites individuals who are concerned about their use of other substances.
Alumni, family, and friends can join the ISU Wonsook Kim School of Art's printmaking program to make their own Illinois State University tote.
Join the ISU Symphony Orchestra and combined ISU Concert Choir, Belle Voix, and University and faculty soloists as we present Mozart's beloved Requiem. For additional information contact Dr. Andrew Bruhn […]
ISU's Treble Choir welcomes high school choirs from across Illinois to share a special performance together. Performances by guest choirs will be followed by Treble Choir's fall concert set, which […]
Registration is open on for Spring/Winter Session registration. For more information about Registration, please visit
Organized every two years, the Faculty Biennial presents new and recent research by faculty in the Wonsook Kim School of Art and the School of Creative Technologies.
You do not have to be a tech expert to incorporate video into your Canvas courses. Import videos from your computer or record video from your webcam or screen capture—quickly […]
This event will allow you to gain valuable skills in communication, problem-solving, and more!
Learn ethical ways to utilize AI for your career development and exploration.